Monday 1 June 2009

"what is your current obessesion?"

What is your current obsession?
i am always obsessing, lately its knitting, knitting, knitting/designing knits, status anxiety, oh what to read, & my bare legs, lack of the mighty dollar, in no particular order.

What is your weirdest obsession?
oh currently i obsess about my fear of sleeping

What do you see outside your window?
my balcony, & the chalk murals that have taken over c/o little enid, as well grass & trees w/ a dark night sky, i like well the apartment across from me!
What is your favourite colour?


What is your weakness?

probaly my ol' man, always has been...aka love, falling in & out of...

What animal would you be?
amy kind of pack animal i suppose, well maybe not a lioness, they get stuck with all the work

What would you like to learn how to do?
be more of a go-getter, oh & to learn to speak other languages, french fluently first, & to use my sewing machine, put some of these thrifted sewing patterns to good use.

What do you want to never happen in life?

... i think i'ii skip this one...

What is on your bedside table?
alarm clock, my pretty deer lamp i love it so, & empty glasses, clutter, ect

What's the last thing you bought?
a vintage caramel purse, i couldn't resist, it was on etsy, so the transactions always feel more painless, & i can justify it sorta because it means i sold something, & we also bought enid's bday gifts (she'll be 7!)

What do you think about the person that tagged you?

anabela is the most wonderful person i have never met in person yet

What was your favourite children's book?
elizabeth by liesel moak skorpen, but its really all about the illustrations by martha alexandra.
as well, anne of green gables series (of course i'm canadian), all of laura ingalls wilder & her little house on the prairie books, anything by judy blume, oh & lastly, this one is pretty embarrassing the flower in the attic books, (had to hide these ones from my mom)

Who do you want to meet in person?
my mother at my age now

What did you want to be as a child?
a ballerina, or a writer, or a doctor, or an artist, or a librarian, or a fashion designer,
or a .....ect, ect

What did you dream about last night?

i'm having a blank on this one

Which do you prefer, day or night?

night of course!

What's your favourite piece of clothing in your closet?
i'm so tired of my boring wardrobe, i can't think of a thing,

What's your plan for tomorrow?
dull running of errands, but i'm looking forward to jason lee waking me up with coffee in
the morning, he promised

What would you like to get your hands on right now?
a coconut soy shake

What is your must have of the moment?
i'm dreaming of a perfectly thrifted summer dress complete with self-ties, elastic shearing & pretty floral vintage fabric, or maybe stripes

What's your favourite tea flavour?
anything with ginger in a green tea, & english breakfast as my standard

If you could go anywhere is the world right now, where would you go?
can i please go to paris, or maybe new york (again!)

this is where you pick a question of your own, here is mine:
what would others find surprising about you?

i don't own a cell phone & have no plans to get one either,
(its not that i haven't owned one, of course i have, but its so nice w/out...)

i tag anyone who would like to do this survey


  1. You are lovely. xo

    (I had to chuckle at the Club Shanghai picture! I wonder if I was there that night, haha)

  2. Hi, I've been tagged also. Cute handbag. Lovely image of the girls knitting. I have the knitting bug as well. I am currently knitting a poncho. have a good day!


don't be shy, please leave me a comment!