Wednesday 10 December 2008

for those daydreaming of quitting your job

if your work day is anything like mine, the words "i quit" are constantly on the tip of your tongue too, & if only these forbidden words could be spoken, this work day of emotional drain w/ no pay-off would be over.
but i'm telling ya, there is this inspiration that there is a way out, & i gotta hold on! congrats rebecca.

from the article, i devour these words of wisdom..."My life feels legitimate now. I'm living as ME, every single day. I'm no longer waiting for the day when I can live my dream. Lucky for me, I didn't realize the possibilities until now, when I feel I can handle it. A few years ago I might have been too impulsive with everything.

My advice to my previous self would be to believe in yourself, and give yourself more credit. Insecurity slows you down while you wait for reassurance. Also, accept help when it is offered. I've lugged many a heavy box around because of my stubborn independence. And my advice to anyone else: you know if I'm talking to you, you know if you're supposed to do this, you dream about while you're awake and asleep. You don't need me to tell you to: just DO IT."


  1. I was totally inspired by that article too. One magical day...x

  2. thanks for the post, you're a doll... let's dream together!!

  3. I just stumbles across your blog now and this post somehow hit the nail on the head in terms of how i've been feeling!

  4. I just read her article! I was just abruptly laid off and forced to face the fact: working for myself is all I have ever wanted to do. Sure, I would have PREFERRED a little time to save, but, carpe diem! As long as you have a taste for mac and cheese, you can do it!


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