Saturday 6 March 2010

alice neel

Priscilla Johnson
by Alice Neel, 1900-1984

i caught the last bit of this film, hopefully you were lucky enough to catch it on tvo tonight (i've mentioned before how amazing is tvo!) any case i am lucky enough to have a library card soooo...
edited to add: sorry for any confusions, i'm not sure how it was thought these could be my paintings, but these are alice neel's wonderful potrait paintings, as is this post dedicated to her, i have added the names of the paintings also.

alice neel as a young woman

Roberta Johnson Roensch,
by Alice Neel


  1. have you painted those!? :O wow, if you have, you're amazingly talented!

  2. Oh my gosh. What amazing paintings! You've got some true talent, darlin'!

    Oh, by the way, you have the best locks of hair I've seen on the blogosphere. Seriously.


  3. Oh wau. i love her paintings. She was not anyone I actually knew anything about, so thanks for the introduction. I also want to see that movie? :D

  4. Oh wow, these are fantastic! I totally need to find this movie now. Have you ever heard of Rita Angus? She was a New Zealand artist that is a favourite of mine, that last one looks quite similar to her work. Perhaps you'd like her!


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