Wednesday 25 November 2009

jane campion, accept my thanks

i'm overly eager for what seems to be another jane campion movie to add to my lists of pure movie joy aka as tragic, devastating, emotionally raw, & of course period pieces !
bright star (2009)

angel at my table (1990)
& i can't say enough about janet frame either...

the piano (1993)

the portrait of a lady (1996)


  1. It does look breathtaking, doesn't it? I just don't handle tragedy well! Hehe. But I love looking at the photos.

  2. i was completely enraptured! the movie was perfection. she's brilliant.

  3. I still want to see Bright Star, I heard it was amazing!

  4. such loevely pics. i like the vintage character

  5. i can't believe i'm saying this but, i've never seen any of these! i'll have to add these to my netflix queue.

  6. Oh, I haven't seen this one yet but I've been dreaming of it! Angel at My Table (and Janet Frame, also) is such a favourite of mine. Love Ms. Campion!


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