Friday 21 January 2011

stealing from not here for long part one

i've stolen all of these images form my ol man's tumblr not here for long, he is always forever impressing me with his knowledge of art & books. he's always been like a sponge, you know the type he actually reads non-fiction & enjoys the dry stuff, he loves the facts, & just learning. i'm thinking i might make stealing from his tumblr a regular occurrence. jason's tumblr is here for all image sources. & some of his art here.
ALSO, thanks everyone for all your comments on my fur post, i really appreciated hearing all of your valid & thoughtful comments on fur. also, its nice to know someone is reading this blog of mine, & please leave me comments whenever you like.


  1. i love your blog and have been lurking around for some time. it was starting to feel creepy, so i thought i would introduce myself!

    i'm very inspired by your knitting business and would love to do something similar. i knit a little but i really love quilting... so who knows!

    thanks for the great blog!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMG!!!!!!!! TATTOOED CAT LADY!!!!!!!!


don't be shy, please leave me a comment!