Sunday 21 November 2010

handmade holiday shopping in montreal for puces pop + gift certificates

 no worries for late shoppers, you can still buy your hand knit gifts as  i've added gift certificates to tide everyone over for that too. the gift certificates will be available in $20 & $50 formats, & will be mailed to the bearer or buyer at the time of purchase, along with a lovely vintage blank postcard too. also, don't forget some items may still be available to purchase at robber boutique in toronto.
i hate the mall holiday shopping just as much as anyone else! so i'm thrilled to be able to participate in my second puces pop in montreal, just in time for handmade holiday shopping. at this time, i am now just beginning to knit all the inventory for the event on December 18 &19th, & so this huge undertaking of knitting means there most definitely be a delay of  custom orders in the shop, which is most of the items i sell, so such popular knits as the carlington,  cambridge & meaford   won't be available for christimas time gift giving after early december. please purchase your gifts early, & allow up to 5 days for custom orders to be knit to avoid disappointment.
(above image, c/o robber boutique & eliza gonzalez)

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