Wednesday 24 April 2013

this wasn't supposed to be the post, but...

i was recently asked, to come up with an outfit post by emma, for her blog series on emmadime. although,
i was enthusiastic to have a chance to reach those that possibly have never seen or heard of good night  day, i was also extremely anxious about the photos. in the end, i really stressed & procrastinated. then my ol' man said on a particular rare spring day, that i had the chance to wear my vintage cape, that we should take some photos today before we went to the library & to run errands. i did protest, "no, but i'm wearing jeans & a sweatshirt?".well it obviously happened (& i could stop worrying about it in the back of my head). here's some of the extras not on the blog.
 i am caught wearing the jarvis hand knit toque in camel, & available as a knitting kit (in other colours) & as a download for the pattern here.
also, that is a falcon wright bucket bag!

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